Books The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things. Online Free Download

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ISBN: 1452571694 (ISBN13: 9781452571690)
Edition Language: English
Books The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things.  Online Free Download
The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things. Paperback | Pages: 64 pages
Rating: 4.75 | 20 Users | 13 Reviews

Describe About Books The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things.

Title:The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things.
Author:Rich Okun
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition Large book 11 x 8.5 over 90 illustrations
Pages:Pages: 64 pages
Published:June 14th 2013 by Balboa Press
Categories:Nonfiction. Self Help

Chronicle In Favor Of Books The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things.

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya is very different kind of book, in a unique format and richly textured with over 90 full color original illustrations and is one of those truly rare books that can be enjoyed equally by a child and a grown-up and most of all both a child and adult together.

"When I began reading, I was looking for a category to place it in the proper place among all other books that I have read. I soon recognized that Maya moved me beyond content to an experience of thinking and feeling." - Jacqueline Rhoades, MS ED Review.

This book will surprise and delight you and your family and makes the perfect gift.

Our lives are bombarded with things that can take us away from the special connections we are capable of. Each of us has the ability to demonstrate love, compassion, gratitude, and generosity. We can choose to live our lives by the Golden Rule. We can make time to appreciate the exquisite construction of our planet and experience the joys of nature. We can look toward the star-spangled heavens, appreciate the velvet silence, and draw peace from spirituality. We have the ability to find beauty in simplicity, and we can marvel at the complexity of what, at first glance, appears deceptively simple. Many of us have just forgotten how. In today's busy, electronics-oriented world, dominated by distractions, special effects, and noisy shoot-'em-ups, simple earth-based spiritual and moral issues have been effectively obscured from view and buried in the smoky haze of the fiery explosion of computer-generated images.

In today’s busy, electronics-oriented world, dominated by distractions, special effects, and noisy shoot-’em-ups, simple earth-based spiritual and moral issues have been effectively obscured from view and buried in the smoky haze of the fiery explosion of computer-generated images.

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and Maya was created to help families discuss important issues with their children. Illustrations of Maya, the Shih Tzu puppy muse, in complementary settings, accompany bits of wisdom relating to spiritual and moral issues. Notable quotations are the inspiration for Maya's simple-language lyrical interpretations meant to evoke awe and wonder in all things and capture the imagination of the child and the child within the parent. Access to downloadable hi-resolution downloads and audio readings online and so much more are also granted with your purchase.

Endorsement of The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya from Dr. Bernie Siegel click to learn more
"Come to the edge
I may fall
They pushed him and he flew.
Beautiful piece of work"
by Bernie Siegel, MD Author of A Book of Miracles and The Art of Healing

I wrote this book to help more people - All of my life I have been a practitioner of the 'give-away' where I have done creative art, like carving stone, paintings, poetry, writings etc and then given them away to people that they could help - I carved a sacred stone called Catlinite which is used by the Native Americans to make their pipes for prayers into sacred Hebrew Letters (one of the sacred alphabets which represented - energies of creation) and gave them to people that needed healing - hundreds of them - I gave away the things most valuable to me to help - however - I was limited in reaching the number of people I wanted to help - I wrote this book and offer it commercially to help even more people with healing words and the magic of Maya. I could not reach the parents, grandparents, adults and children that I wanted to without commercial exposure - I am very grateful for this opportunity to help more people. Your purchase of this book allows me to 'give-away' even more to people that cannot afford to purchase like children in hospitals, like emotionally distraught adults that don't know where to turn, like grandparents that are on fixed incomes.
Thank you for your help in helping them - it makes YOU a part of this sacred ceremony called The Give-Away....

Rating About Books The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things.
Ratings: 4.75 From 20 Users | 13 Reviews

Discuss About Books The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Maya: A Collection of Little Sayings about Enormous Things.
Get this book if you love to ponder greater things... and also if you like puppies!Every once in a while, a book comes along that is able to entertain and also help give us food for thought about our life experiences. RIch Okun is like a Dr Seuss for Adults. The book is organized like the illustrated stories I used to read as a child. You can't help but feel entertained by looking at the lovely renderings of a cute puppy, yet turn the page and you will find wisdom dispensed through the furry

Rich spent his life in various corporate positions and after many years and different careers; he now devotes his focus to creative passions. Having spent a lifetime studying many different ancient spiritual belief systems he was inspired to action when a new puppy, Maya, came to town. Rich lives in Connecticut with his wife, Maya, and four cats.Rich defines himself by his spiritual interests and

There are some books that are considered coffee table books because you can open them an look at the pictures over and over again. I like to think of The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, Maya as a nightstand book. Its not the kind of nightstand book you read in one or two sittings and then put back on your shelf. Mr. Okun book deserves and needs to be read every night, but just a little bit. Each page combines beautiful quotes of wisdom and philosophy form literary, spiritual, and philosophical writers

One of my favorite quotes from this beautifully illustrated book sets the tone, and the message: Sometimes Magic will appear in your life, especially if you are looking for it. Such magic has found me and it must be shared because you deserve some magic too.When I began reading I was looking for a category or a nitch to place it in the proper place among all other books that I have read. I soon recognized that Maya moved me beyond content to an experience of thinking and feeling.Whether you are

Absolutely beautiful book! Full of joy and insight, conveyed by both word and imagery. A must-read for anyone interested in spirituality, joy, and inspiration. - Sarina Damen, Spiritual Counsellor, Life Coach and Author.

This amazing book by Rich Okun is going to make your heart sing and be in love once again, illustrations contained therein are mesmerizing,when you will open it in night, just before sleep, it will let you experience those days, when as a child you love to leaf through beautiful pictures and words.... must have for every art lover.....

I was extremely fortunate to be bestowed a copy of this book - happy coincidence, serendipity, or spiritual intervention? I cannot be sure, but I am so happy it came into my and my children's lives. Rich Okun and Maya ("of course") have created a completely unique, special and life-affirming book which melds text and pictures into the most wonderful book. As an adult, I can appreciate the quotes and references alongside Rich/Maya's own interpretations and gentle teachings. From the child's

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