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Setting: New York City, New York(United States) New York State(United States)
Books Katwalk  Free Download Online
Katwalk Paperback | Pages: 376 pages
Rating: 3.8 | 962 Users | 115 Reviews

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Katrina Lynden selalu melangkah di jalan hidup yang lurus, sehingga kini dia memiliki karier yang stabil dan orangtua yang senang. Meski demikian, dalam lubuk hatinya dia merasa ada sisi dirinya yang tak terpuaskan. Seorang sahabat mengajaknya meninggalkan pekerjaan di Silicon Valley untuk bertualang selama dua bulan di New York City, dan awalnya Katrina menolak, tapi kemudian setuju. Walaupun khawatir dan tegang, dia bangga akan melakukan sesuatu yang mendebarkan.

Tiba-tiba, pada detik terakhir, sahabatnya mengundurkan diri. Katrina dihadapkan pada situasi sulit, tapi dia mengerahkan keberanian untuk bepergian sendiri. Hasilnya adalah suatu perjalanan yang mengubah dirinya secara fisik dan emosional. Dia menemukan serta kehilangan teman, belajar hal-hal yang penting dalam kehidupan, dan menemukan cara untuk menjadi dewasa tanpa meninggalkan jati dirinya.

Identify Epithetical Books Katwalk

Author:Maria Murnane
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 376 pages
Published:May 14th 2018 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama (first published January 14th 2014)
Categories:Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Fiction. Romance

Rating Epithetical Books Katwalk
Ratings: 3.8 From 962 Users | 115 Reviews

Piece Epithetical Books Katwalk
Katrina Lynden's staid and stable life in Mountain View, CA, has left her feeling miserable. As an accountant at an advertising firm, she is doing what was expected of her by her parents. Utilizing the skills she learned in college.But something is missing from her life, and the structure that guides her each day is starting to feel like a noose.So when Kat's best friend Deb suggests that they quit their jobs and go to New York for a couple of months, for an adventure, she agrees. Even though

Katrina is a shy accountant from Silicon Valley. Her life was safe, predictable, unfulfilling and boring. But after being convinced by her best friend into taking charge and making a change, instead of complaining all the time, Katrina makes the bold move of moving to New York. There she decides to reinvent herself and find a new passion for life. Along the way she will find new friends, love and finally something that truly makes her happy.Katwalk by Maria Murnane is a lighthearted and

Katrina Linden landed the stable career that pleased her parents, but it ultimately resulted in her feeling unfulfilled and miserable. Then her BFF suggests they both quit their jobs and move clear across the country for two months to find new adventure in New York City. Katrina is hesitant to say the least, but agrees, and is excited for what lays ahead. However, her friend backs out at the last minute, and shes faced with a difficult decision. Will she go on the trip of a lifetime or crawl

Another wonderful book by Ms. Murnane. Katrina is a great character and easy to root for.

A book about a change, a huge one. Have you ever given up on something just because you thought you can't do it? When you want to change something, you have to make the first move. I started reading this book but I wasn't convinced it might be interesting. But, after reading the first chapter, I knew I must read it as soon as possible. I wanted to know what will happen next. I was proud of Kat when I saw how she is changing inside, how she is eager for the next adventures. Shana's (Kat's friend)

I loved the plot of this novel that was fast-paced with the perfect amount of subplots on the side, however, the main focus was Kat and her new adventures. Specifically, I admired the way the author brought her out of her shell at a realistic pace and didnt base Kats happiness on just one thing. She had attention from men that she had never experienced, wild and crazy friends that wanted to hit the bars all of the time, she started exercising and getting healthy, and she started following her

Some books come about at the perfect time in your life and for me, this was the perfect time to read Katwalk. In this book we see how Katrina after much persuasion from her best friend takes the plunge to leave the job she hates in the finance department, to go on a 2 month holiday to New York. The plan was for both friends to leave their jobs the same day so they could travel together but Deb's plan changed after receiving an unexpected promotion. Katrina is terrified of going by herself but

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