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Be Specific About Of Books De afstand tussen jou en mij

Title:De afstand tussen jou en mij
Author:Marina Gessner
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 320 pages
Published:April 2016 by Blossom Books (first published October 20th 2015)
Categories:Young Adult. Contemporary. Romance. Fiction
Books Download Free De afstand tussen jou en mij  Online
De afstand tussen jou en mij Paperback | Pages: 320 pages
Rating: 3.8 | 2288 Users | 439 Reviews

Chronicle In Pursuance Of Books De afstand tussen jou en mij

McKenna heeft alles voor elkaar: goede cijfers, een leuk vriendje en een toelating voor de universiteit op zak. Maar dat is niet wat ze wil. McKenna is van plan om de universiteit een jaar uit te stellen en samen met haar beste vriendin Courtney de Appalachian Trail te gaan lopen. 3500 kilometer door de wildernis van een van de noordelijkste staten van Amerika naar het zuiden, met alleen een backpack op haar rug. Als Courtney op het laatste moment afzegt, besluit McKenna de maandenlange tocht stiekem in haar eentje af te leggen.

Als McKenna onderweg de charismatische, mysterieuze Sam tegenkomt en besluit hem van het verharde pad af te volgen, wordt haar reis opeens veel gevaarlijker – zo gevaarlijk dat McKenna moet vechten voor zowel haar leven als dat van hem.

Declare Books Concering De afstand tussen jou en mij

Original Title: The Distance from Me to You ISBN13 9789020679953
Edition Language: Dutch

Rating Of Books De afstand tussen jou en mij
Ratings: 3.8 From 2288 Users | 439 Reviews

Evaluation Of Books De afstand tussen jou en mij

~~~Review to come~~~*I'm going to do the review later because I have 10 books that are due to the library that I need to return. It takes me a long time to write a review. So I'm going to first finish the books then write the reviews.*

I would honestly rate this book 3.5 stars, however I bumped it up to four due to the fact that I couldnt put it down. Good page turner. A pretty light read that still manages to have some drama to it. One thing I didnt like was how long it took to get to the climax in the book. It built it up so much and after it happened it was kind of like thats it? Overall an enjoyable and easy read.

Another book that I read in one day that was also done perfectly. The romance was wonderful, even though the love came out of the blue. The survival scenes were grueling and suspenseful, but had the right amount of hope that you knew it would be all right in the end.I wish there was another book of Sam/McKenna fluff, and Marianne leaving Mike. My only real critique would be that the novel was a little too convenient at times, but otherwise a great story.

1,5* for the message of the book. I FKN MADE IT AND I AM SO DONE AND PLEASED THAT I FINISHED IT. Although life is too short to finish books you don't like. And I was so bored. And I don't know when I will write a review. I am just so done and actually didn't enjoyed this book in any way.

McKenna has one goal: hike the entire Appalachian Trail. She and her best friend are supposed to do it together after graduating high school (deferring college for a year) but the best friend decides to stay home for a guy. SO McKenna decides to lie to her parents and go anyway. By herself. I loved this book. It's so interesting and it really made me wish I were the kind of person who would find hiking (at all; not even a monster, months-long hike like that fun). I love McKenna and how brave she

This was pretty lame.The good writing style was the only thing bearable about it. Everything else was "meh".The protagonist was bearable, and likable in parts. The other characters, especially the second lead / romantic interest- dull & cardboard-like.The plot was just "uhhhhg" but the hiking experience was bearable, interesting at times.Had to force myself to not DNF it so I wouldn't recommend it.


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