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Original Title: Barba Ensopada de Sangue
ISBN: 8535921877 (ISBN13: 9788535921878)
Edition Language: Portuguese
Setting: Garopaba(Brazil)
Literary Awards: Prêmio Jabuti Nominee for Novels (2013), Prêmio São Paulo de Literatura for Melhor Livro de Romance (2013)
Free Barba Ensopada de Sangue Books Online Download
Barba Ensopada de Sangue Paperback | Pages: 424 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 2400 Users | 221 Reviews

List Regarding Books Barba Ensopada de Sangue

Title:Barba Ensopada de Sangue
Author:Daniel Galera
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 424 pages
Published:November 5th 2012 by Companhia das Letras
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. Brazil. Contemporary. Literature. European Literature. Portuguese Literature. Literary Fiction. Latin American

Rendition Conducive To Books Barba Ensopada de Sangue

Neste quarto romance de Daniel Galera, um professor de educação física busca refúgio em Garopaba, um pequeno balneário de Santa Catarina, após a morte do pai. O protagonista (cujo nome não conhecemos) se afasta da relação conturbada com os outros membros da família e mergulha em um isolamento geográfico e psicológico. Ao mesmo tempo, ele empreende a busca pela verdade no caso da morte do avô, o misterioso Gaudério, que teria sido assassinado décadas antes na mesma Garopaba, na época apenas uma vila de pescadores.

Sempre acompanhado por Beta, cadela do falecido pai, o professor esquadrinha as lacunas do pouco que lhe é revelado, a contragosto, pelos moradores mais antigos da cidade. Portador de uma condição neurológica congênita que o obriga a interagir com as outras pessoas de modo peculiar, o professor estabelece relações com alguns moradores: uma garçonete e seu filho pequeno, os alunos da natação, um budista histriônico, a secretária de uma agência turística de passeios. Aos poucos, ele vai reunindo as peças que talvez lhe permitam entender melhor a própria história.

É também com lacunas e peças aparentemente díspares que Galera constrói sua narrativa. Dotado de um senso impecável de ritmo, ele alterna descrições ricas em sutileza e detalhamento com diálogos ágeis e de rara verossimilhança, que dão vida a um elenco de personagens inesquecíveis.

Barba ensopada de sangue resgata e leva às últimas consequências temas e conflitos das obras anteriores do autor, tais como: a construção da identidade e, nesse processo, as dificuldades que enfrentamos para entender e reconhecer os outros; a necessidade inconfessa de uma reparação talvez inviável; a busca pela unidade entre mente e corpo; o consolo afetivo que o contato com a natureza e os animais é capaz de nos proporcionar; os diversos tipos de violência que podem irromper em meio a uma existência domesticada.

Rating Regarding Books Barba Ensopada de Sangue
Ratings: 4.09 From 2400 Users | 221 Reviews

Criticism Regarding Books Barba Ensopada de Sangue
Actually 4.5/5For anyone looking for a complex and excellent work of literary fiction for after the holidays, may I suggest the beautifully written book by Brazilian author Daniel Galera, Blood Drenched Beard. The title is dark and the book description is equally dark; a son whose fathers shoots himself and his subsequent journey south to Garopaba, a nice and quite fishing village off the Brazilian coast where his grandfather mysteriously disappeared decades earlier. Admittedly one may be

This book blew me away. The atmosphere swallows you up like fog, and makes the revelationsabout light stuff like memory, legend, connection, existentialismcome into focus with mythic gravitas. Reminds me of a softer version of True Detectives Rust Cohle is living in a Junot Diaz-imagined town. In the best way. With a minimalistic and unique style that oozes confidence and talent. I cant even get into BETA! I will be raving/thinking about this one for a long time.

Okay, so heres the deal with this book. It was an absolutely beautifully written book that made Brazil seem less a fantastical paradise-heavy town and more so like a common, textured place that anyone can easily identify with. Daniel Galeras prose is almost similar to Steinbeck; its scenery heavy & extremely detailed. The main character has no name, which I loved, and honestly, the novel really doesnt have a plot. It more so thrives off of themes, and Im sure thats why it took me 4 weeks to

Blood-Drenched Beard is a very demanding read. I found many aspects of it intriguing and very well executed, but could not, ultimately, connect with the story or the lead character on a deeper level. Additionally, I thought the writing was slightly too.. quirky. To the point of being obnoxious and, as consequence, preventing the plot line from moving along and keeping me captivated. The long descriptions and anecdote-filled plot make it a very slow-moving story, and the fact that the dialogues

Man, I was really rooting for this book to push me from four stars to five as I started in on the homestretch.I admit, I was mesmerized by the whole of it - while the writing style was a bit *much* even for me (which is saying something), what with its giant block paragraphs and lack of quotation indications (is that Brazilian style or Galera's?) and unnamed main character (confusing at times with "him" being referenced only by pronoun, and I don't quite get the point), I nevertheless found

Very interesting and enjoyable read ... although somewhat challenging. There are no quotation marks, dialogue is frequently mixed in descriptive paragraphs, and occasionally unclear as to who the speaker is. That being said, the only reason I even considered giving this novel only 4 stars was because of its totally ridiculous and misleading title ... which I'm guessing is the reason that some readers had expectations that were disappointed and criticized the novel for "nothing happens".


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