Download Free Audio The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3) Books

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Original Title: Rødstrupe
Edition Language: English
Series: Harry Hole #3
Characters: Harry Hole, Ellen Gjelten, Ståle Aune, Tom Waaler, Rakel Fauke, Sindre Fauke, Even Juul, Daniel Gudeson, Gudbrand Johansen, Edvard Mosken
Setting: Oslo(Norway) Vienna,1944(Austria)
Literary Awards: CWA International Dagger Nominee (2007)
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The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3) Paperback | Pages: 521 pages
Rating: 3.93 | 82097 Users | 4119 Reviews

Narration Toward Books The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3)

Als der norwegische Staatsschutz Hinweise auf ein geplantes Attentat auf den Thronfolger erhält, beginnt für Harry Hole ein Alptraum aus Lügen und Verrat. Die Spur der Verdächtigen führt in das dunkelste Kapitel norwegischer Vergangenheit: Eine Gruppe von Nazikollaborateuren hat im Untergrund ihr verhängnisvolles Netz gewoben und Harry sieht sich mit einem mörderischen Filz von Intrigen und Verblendung konfrontiert.

Itemize Appertaining To Books The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3)

Title:The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3)
Author:Jo Nesbø
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:3
Pages:Pages: 521 pages
Published:2009 by Harper (first published January 1st 2000)
Categories:Mystery. Crime. Fiction. Thriller

Rating Appertaining To Books The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3)
Ratings: 3.93 From 82097 Users | 4119 Reviews

Article Appertaining To Books The Redbreast (Harry Hole #3)
I'm reading this series in order; this is the third book featuring Norwegian detective Harry Hole. Unlike many reviewers, I loved the writing in the first two books. There, much of Nesbø's attention was drawn to the challenge of characterizing the cultural underbelly of Australia and Thailand. THE REDBREAST is unquestionably different: more ambitious, with a wider assemblage of characters, carefully calibrated tension and adrenaline-pumping action. Yes, there are also the outlines of a classic

Jo Nesbo may be the best Scandinavian crime fiction writer going these days. He's created in Detective Harry Hole an interesting, deeply flawed protagonist who may remind American readers of Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch. The Redbreast is the third novel to feature Hole, and it's a complex story that moves back and forth between the Second World War and the turn of the Twenty-First Century. In the earlier action, a group of Norwegian soldiers are fighting for Hitler's Germany on the Eastern

This is a re-read, as Im a huge fan of Nesbøs crime thrillers, but I cant remember the first ones as clearly as the newer ones. I also listened to it in English, which I thought went well. The narrator did a good job with both the German that is in this story and the Norwegian names, too.I must say that his older Harry Hole books have far longer build-up than his newer ones. For about half the book I was wondering if this was perhaps the wrong genre. Where was the crime, I mean, besides being on

Book DescriptionDetective Harry Hole embarrasses the Norwegian police force during a U.S. Presidential visit so he is reassigned to the Norwegian Security Service as an Inspector (a promotion that gets him out of the way and is supposed to shut him up). Assigned to investigate what should be a rather mundane case, Hole instead finds himself getting embroiled in a possible assassination plot that has its roots in World War IIinvolving some Norwegians who served on the Eastern Front in the service

According to goodreads alone, 7800 people gave this on average, 3.8 stars.I should have liked this, but to be honest it was a struggle for me to even finish.The story seems fractured, moving as it does, between two different time periods, the latter days of WWII and present day Oslo.Nesbo writes with the kind of authority that assumes every reader would be familiar with the history of Norway and why Norwegians were mixed up with the Germans on the Eastern Front. I kept looking, lo these many

[7/10]Theres nothing wrong with this Scandinavian crime thriller, possibly the most popular of its category in recent years. Yet its technical achievements (pacing, characterization, research, atmosphere, etc) may have been what kept me being fully emotionally involved in the story. With a few exceptions of great character sketches, the story felt contrived and to clever for its own good. I would even go so far as call the plot forgettable if it were not for the numerous flashbacks to the World

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