Download Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen Books For Free

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Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen Hardcover | Pages: 252 pages
Rating: 3.4 | 2715 Users | 329 Reviews

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Title:Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen
Author:Katharina Hagena
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 252 pages
Published:February 19th 2008 by Kiepenheuer & Witsch (first published February 9th 2008)
Categories:Fiction. Contemporary. European Literature. German Literature. Cultural. Germany. Romance

Ilustration Supposing Books Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen

Als Bertha stirbt, erbt Iris das Haus. Nach vielen Jahren steht Iris wieder im alten Haus der Großmutter, wo sie als Kind in den Sommerferien mit ihrer Kusine Verkleiden spielte. Sie streift durch die Zimmer und den Garten, eine aus der Zeit gefallene Welt, in der rote Johannisbeeren über Nacht weiß und als konservierte Tränen eingekocht werden, in der ein Baum gleich zweimal blüht, Dörfer verschwinden und Frauen aus ihren Fingern Funken schütteln. Doch der Garten ist inzwischen verwildert. Nachdem Bertha vom Apfelbaum gefallen war, wurde sie erst zerstreut, dann vergesslich, und schließlich erkannte sie nichts mehr wieder, nicht einmal ihre drei Töchter. Iris bleibt eine Woche allein im Haus. Sie weiß nicht, ob sie es überhaupt behalten will. Sie schwimmt in einem schwarzen See, bekommt Besuch, küsst den Bruder einer früheren Freundin und streicht eine Wand an. Während sie von Zimmer zu Zimmer läuft, tastet sie sich durch ihre eigenen Erinnerungen und ihr eigenes Vergessen: Was tat ihr Großvater wirklich, bevor er in den Krieg ging? Welche Männer liebten Berthas Töchter? Wer aß seinen Apfel mitsamt den Kernen? Schließlich gelangt Iris zu jener Nacht, in der ihre Kusine Rosmarie den schrecklichen Unfall hatte: Was machte Rosmarie auf dem Dach des Wintergartens? Und was wollte sie Iris noch sagen? Iris ahnt, dass es verschiedene Spielarten des Vergessens gibt. Und das Erinnern ist nur eine davon.

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ISBN: 3462039709 (ISBN13: 9783462039702)
Edition Language: German
Setting: Germany
Literary Awards: LovelyBooks Leserpreis Nominee for Allgemeine Literatur (2009)

Rating Containing Books Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen
Ratings: 3.4 From 2715 Users | 329 Reviews

Judgment Containing Books Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen
Iris's grandmother dies. She splits everything she owns to Iris's mother, her aunts, and Iris. Iris gets her grandmother's house. Iris decides to stay at her grandmother's house for one week and after that week she will decide if she will keep the house or sell it. Iris is visited by an friend of the family. His name is Herr Lexow. He drops a bomb on Iris regarding her family. He then proceeds to tell her the story. One that will give Iris a real, good insight look into the history of her

I have had Katharina Hagena's 'The Taste of Apple Seeds' in my bookshelf for a long time. Yesterday I finally took it down and read it. This is the sixth book I read for 'Women in Translation Month'. Iris goes to her hometown because her grandmother has passed away recently. Her mother and her mother's two sisters, Iris' aunts, have also come. After the funeral is over, the lawyers come to her grandmother's place and read the will. To everyone surprise, it is revealed that Iris inherits her

PERSONAL RESPONSE I personally did not like The Taste of Apple Seeds by Katharina Hagena. I do not like it because when the point of views switch, they are very sudden and do not flow well. I also do not like how the plot is based on three generations of relationships because at points it is hard to understand who is with who. I think the author could have done a better job making separating the different relationships. PLOT SUMMARY The plot of The Taste of Apple Seeds starts with Iris going to

DisappointedI love Alice Hoffman and so when the book was compared to her "magical" style I was excited to read it. Honestly, though, I couldn't ever figure out what the point of this book was.

When Iris returns home for her grandmothers funeral she is amazed to discover that she has been left the house, even though her mother and two sisters are still alive. Staying at the house, trying to decide if she wants to keep it, she is assailed by the memories of the summers she spent there.A look at memories, of forgetting, as before her death her grandmother had Alzheimer's. A sad and poignant look at a woman who is slowly losing who she was. A look at memories from when she was young and

I'm not totally sure what to think of this book. I might need a while to process before I decide if I like it or not.

I didnt like the writing style in this book. The plot is good, but there could have been so much more to the story. I liked the setting and some of the characters. I almost didnt finish the book, but I persevered and finished.

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