Books داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries) Online Download Free

Books داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries) Online Download Free
داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries) Paperback | Pages: 255 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 2122 Users | 341 Reviews

Specify Based On Books داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries)

Title:داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries)
Author:David Quammen
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:الطبعة الأولى
Pages:Pages: 255 pages
Published:2013 by كلمات عربية للترجمة والنشر (first published 2006)
Categories:Science. Biography. Nonfiction. History. Biology. Evolution

Representaion Concering Books داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries)

لو طبع العلماء ورقة نقدية خاصة بهم، لظهر وجه داروين عليها! لهذه الدرجة، تصل مكانة هذا العالم. الأفكار التي طرحها في كتابه «أصل الأنواع» في عام ١٨٥٩، كانت خطيرة ومثيرة. لم يكتفِ ديفيد كوامن باعتبار هذا الكتاب واحدًا من أكثر الكتب أهمية في مجال العلم خلال القرون الأخيرة، بل اعتبره أحد أهم الكتب على الإطلاق. ويشير كوامن في كتابه هذا إلى أنه رغم شهرة اسم داروين وكتابه «أصل الأنواع»، فإن أفكاره الحقيقية لم تحقق نفس الانتشار؛ فالبعض ممن يعتقدون أنهم متفقون معه في الرأي لم يفهموا بالضبط المغزى من النتائج التي توصل إليها. ويقدم هذا الكتاب نظرة مقربة لعالم عظيم؛ تأخذ القارئ لما وراء ستار عظمة داروين وشهرته، وتتتبَّعه عن كثب في أفراح وصراعات وأحزان حياته الهادئة والمهمة في الوقت ذاته، على نحو استثنائي.

Define Books Conducive To داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries)

Original Title: The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of His Theory of Evolution (Great Discoveries) ISBN13 9789777192003
Edition Language: Arabic
Series: Great Discoveries
Literary Awards: Montana Book Award Nominee (2006)

Rating Based On Books داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries)
Ratings: 3.96 From 2122 Users | 341 Reviews

Commentary Based On Books داروين مترددًا: نظرة مقربة لتشارلز داروين وكيف وضع نظريته عن التطور (Great Discoveries)
The Reluctant Mr. Darwin presents Charles Darwin the man in relief against the simplicity and near perfection of his most lasting ideas. Using Darwins own journals and correspondence David Quammen, brings the father of evolution to life. He illustrates beautifully the birth and development of the then shocking concept of natural selection. He asserts that natural selection, not evolution is Darwins major contribution. Quammen defines and differentiates between evolution and its mechanism natural

I think Quammen is introducing persons to Darwin and encouraging them to read The Origin of the Species. Having read the original, I found the book sometimes redundant but enjoyable and a delight to read.

I never realized that 80-87% of Americans reject what Darwin discovered about the evolution of species. How this careful, thoughtful scientist worked his way toward a persuasive and coherent theory makes suspenseful reading. He was a religious skeptic but no radical. A persistent curious thinker. Quammen is also a wonderful writer. There's nothing dry about this book.

Enjoyable look at Darwin post-Beagle. To be sure, Darwin isn't a very exciting person, unless you enjoy vomiting and rest cures, but Quammen does his best to gin up the dull spots and delays. The book gets going with the writing of On the Origin of Species and Quammen does an excellent job summarizing, elucidating, and criticizing it. There is also a good sidelong view of Alfred Russel Wallace and a nice introduction to genetics and how it and natural selection all tie together. I learned a lot

Wonderful personal book about the struggles everyone goes through even famous scientists. Some parts were difficult to push through because they were so intricate and detailed, which is weird because I love that science stuff, but you can take only so much talk of mollusk sexual life and organs.

This book is a kind of companion volume to The Origin of Species, though you need not have read that book to fully appreciate this one. The book covers the period after Darwins return, in 1836, from his five-year voyage on the HMS Beagle, to his publication of Origin in 1859, when he was 50, to the end of life at age 73. With the help of other top scientists, most especially Charles Lyell (Principles of Geology) and the brilliant botanist, Joseph Hooker, Darwin sifted through his treasure trove

Bravo! Superb! A remarkable story told wonderfully. David Quammen is a skilled craftsman. Hes created an intimate portrait about a most reluctant and highly methodical genius, who ranks beside the likes of Copernicus, Newton and Einstein. Quammen tells the story of Charles Darwin from the time he ends his famous voyage on the HMS Beagle until and through the publication of his most famous work: "On the Origin of the Species." How the young bible-quoting ships naturalist noted for his piety comes

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