Download Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1) Free Audio Books

Particularize Containing Books Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1)

Title:Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1)
Author:Arkady Strugatsky
Book Format:Unknown Binding
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 319 pages
Published:September 1st 1978 by Macmillan Publishing Co. (first published 1961)
Categories:Science Fiction. Cultural. Russia. Fiction. Literature. Russian Literature
Download Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1) Free Audio Books
Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1) Unknown Binding | Pages: 319 pages
Rating: 4.03 | 937 Users | 26 Reviews

Narration During Books Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1)

Summary (From the publisher):

The 22nd Century. Mankind is free from the age-old misery and poverty that have kept it in bondage, free to create a new world, to explore the universe, to confront the mysteries of human existence. Russia's greatest S-F writeres, Arkday and Boris Strugatsky, have produced a futuristic masterpiece of epic proportions and breathtaking vision.

Two interplanetary adventurers hurtle through space at a speed faster than light, and are flung a hundred years into the 22nd century. They find themselves on a planet both like and unlike the earth they abandoned so very long ago--and so recently.

It is a planet ruled by wisdom, where automated farms feed tens million inhabitants, where a complete system of moving roads brings the farthest outposts into close communion, where an advanced science in mechanization approaches the mysterious complexity of life itself. Here all effort is bound to the exhilarating art if discovery--way below the planet's waters, deep into the endless reaches of space and far beyond the boundless zones of the human mind.


Night on Mars
Almost the Same
The Conspirators
Two from the Taimyr
The Moving Roads
Langour of the Spirit
The Assaultmen
Deep Search
The Mystery of the Hind Leg
Candles Before the Control Board
Natural Science in the Spirit World ilgrims and Wayfarers
The Planet with all the Conveniences
The Meeting
What You Will Be Like

Mention Books Conducive To Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1)

Original Title: Полдень, XXI век
ISBN: 0026151502 (ISBN13: 9780026151504)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Noon Universe #1

Rating Containing Books Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1)
Ratings: 4.03 From 937 Users | 26 Reviews

Write-Up Containing Books Noon, 22nd Century (The Noon Universe #1)
Сборник рассказов, знакомящих читателя с героями и миром "полудня". Рассказы разные по наполнению, по смыслу и не всегда между собой напрямую связаны.Читать было любопытно, не более, слишком много показалось проходным и наивным - во многом такой подход пронизывает книгу.немного впечатлений о каждом из рассказов.1. Ночь на МарсеПервый рассказ сборника и сразу говорит нам что человечество шагнуло вперед, оно уже на Марсе. Происходит некоторое знакомство с героями и с теми кто непосредственно в

Fell in love with the Strugatsky brothers a few months ago, but can't get through this one. Too teenage boy adventure-scifi, not enough psychological creepiness.

Eastern Block/Soviet Sci-Fi is so utterly different from western Sci-Fi that it nearly defies explanation, but heck I'll give it a shot. Certainly the major element of the writing is that science (at times very strange science) is a means to get into the emotional conflicts that technology creates. The writers have a certain Bradburyesque way with sentences but less wistful. Instead there's a strange disconnect to the events and characters that define the weird desolation that permeates the

The first Strugatsky brothers' novel I've read after seeing the film *Stalker* & hearing them justly compared to Asimov, Le Guin, & Banks, *Noon: C22* beautifully & subtly synthesizes disparate tales into a tapestry of both a universe's future history & the emotional lives of several characters. Kipling seems to be a marked influence on the Strugatskys as we get several excellent hunting tales ('Night on Mars', 'Deep Search', & 'Meeting') as well as a tales of childhood

Книга о светлом и прекрасном будущем, в котором всем тепло, уютно и увлекательно. В общем, ровно о таком будущем, в которое человек 21 века уже не верит.Стругацкие "Полдня" уже философы, но еще коммунисты.

Совка уже меньше, но всё ещё хватает, бьет по глазам -"Комиссия АН ССКР" - "К" в ССКР - это "Коммунистических"."...коммунизм неисчислимых духовных и материальных богатств""...с коммунизма человек начал, и к коммунизму он вернулся, и этим возвращением начинается новая ветвь спирали..."

A masterpiece. The future world which is shown in this book is utopia, but this world makes me a little bit sad, because we will never have a world where the science rules the world and there are no wars or conflicts. Moreover, I really doubt that mankind will cope with a lot of problems as great as it did in this book. The thing which really touched me is this thirst for knowledge, for finding new planets and new rational beings with whom the main aim is to be friends and not to destroy their

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