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Title:‫نزيف الحجر: الادب ‬
Author:إبراهيم الكوني
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 133 pages
Published:December 31st 2012 (first published 1990)
Categories:Cultural. Africa. Fiction. Novels. Northern Africa. Libya
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‫نزيف الحجر: الادب ‬ Kindle Edition | Pages: 133 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 1001 Users | 247 Reviews

Explanation Toward Books ‫نزيف الحجر: الادب ‬

فى هذه الرواية ذات المستويات المتعددة الاخلاقية والدينية والفلسفية يبدع المؤلف عالما يوجد بين الواقع والخيال والاسطورة فيخرج بنا عن المعانى المالوفة، ويضعنا فى مواجهة الطابع المتناقض للانسان وتدور هذه الرواية حول حكمة قراها بطل الرواية فى حياة والده وهى " من اختار ان يعيش طليقا فى الصحراء فعليه ان يتولى امره بنفسه" ودفع حياته ثمنا لها كما دفع ابوه ايضا نفس الثمن ولم تنقذه معجزة

Itemize Books In Pursuance Of ‫نزيف الحجر: الادب ‬

Original Title: نزيف الحجر ASIN B07DVZS49B
Setting: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Rating About Books ‫نزيف الحجر: الادب ‬
Ratings: 3.88 From 1001 Users | 247 Reviews

Piece About Books ‫نزيف الحجر: الادب ‬
I think most of this went way over my head. It seemed to be saying a lot about the environment, colonialism, and religion, among other meaty topics (no pun intended regarding the meat components of this book) but I wasn't certain that I caught a lot of the nuance. I need to stew over this one for a while and learn more about the cultural context to appreciate it a little more. Definitely left me thinking hard in a good way though.

A beautiful fascinating book, mingled with mysticism, Sufism, Islam, Christianity, and the more mystic African religions as well as conflict in Lybia. Loved this book and I'm now an al-Koni fan.

This book is my first foray into the body of Al-Koni's work, though I feel a pang of guilt that, as a Libyan, I read the translated English version rather than the original Arabic. Libya is a large country, and oftentimes the inhabitants of different regions hardly know about each other. For most of those who live on the Northern coastal cities, Fezzan (the Southern province) is something of a mystery. We know that there's large expanses of desert and a slightly different culture, but there's no

A quick read, much appreciated after struggling through Algerian Ahlam Mosteghanemi's (أحلام مستغانمي) Memory in the Flesh. Set in the remote mountain desert of southern Libya, a reclusive vegetarian bedouin goat herder with an unusual affinity with animals, is forced to deal with a hunter crazed with hunger for meat. I loved the vegetarian and ecological issues as well as Asouf's ability to draw on his unending patience.  I'll be looking for more books in Interlink Publishing's Emerging Voices,

A good friend of mine Ive known since high school (who happens to be Libyan) leant me this book, and Im still reeling from it. Were both eschewers of meat so that might be part of why he passed it along to me, but also we have discussed religion with each other a lot all the way back since high school, and he was among the first to challenge my fundamentalist beliefs. More recently our conversations have meandered around Dostoyevsky, Edward Said, and Sufism, and I think that sort of

It's nice to read a modern Arabic work that for once revolved around themes other than religion and politics. This particular story focused on environmentalism, especially the delicate balance of desert ecology where, in the absence of civilization, man and beast depended directly on one another for survival. The story incorporates 'magical realism' in the form of North African Sufi folk spirituality to give explanation for the events. It's a little like a Bedouin folk tale version of the 'Old

Sometimes, you can read a book in translation from a very foreign culture and yet the characters and the story will make sense to you, and connect with you. The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years was one of those books for me. And then sometimes, you read a foreign translation and go "......whaaaaaaaa?" That was The Bleeding of the Stone, for me.Bizarre magic realism, a disjointed plot, and heavy symbolism. I understand what was going on in the individual scenes and was aware of the themes the

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