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Point Books In Pursuance Of F

Original Title: F
ISBN: 3498035444 (ISBN13: 9783498035440)
Edition Language: German
Literary Awards: Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Nominee (2015), Deutscher Buchpreis (German Book Prize) Nominee for Longlist (2013), Europese Literatuurprijs Nominee (2014)
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F Hardcover | Pages: 384 pages
Rating: 3.66 | 2296 Users | 234 Reviews

Narration Conducive To Books F

Es ist der Sommer vor der Wirtschaftskrise. Martin Friedland, katholischer Priester ohne Glauben, übergewichtig, weil immer hungrig, trifft sich mit seinem Halbbruder Eric zum Essen. Der hochverschuldete, mit einem Bein im Gefängnis stehende Finanzberater hat unheimliche Visionen, teilt davon jedoch keinem etwas mit. Schattenhafte Männer, sogar zwei Kinder warnen ihn vor etwas, nur: Gelten diese Warnungen wirklich ihm, oder ist etwa sein Zwillingsbruder Iwan gemeint, der Kunstkenner und Ästhet, der ihm zum Verwechseln ähnlich sieht? Schon nimmt das Unheil seinen Lauf.

Daniel Kehlmann erzählt von drei Brüdern, die – jeder auf seine Weise – Betrüger, Heuchler, Fälscher sind. Sie haben sich eingerichtet in ihrem Leben, doch plötzlich klafft ein Abgrund auf. Ein Augenblick der Unaufmerksamkeit, ein Zufall, ein falscher Schritt, und was gespenstischer Albtraum schien, wird wahr.

Ein Roman über Lüge und Wahrheit, über Familie, Fälschung und die Kraft der Fiktion: ein virtuoses Kunstwerk – vielschichtig, geheimnisvoll und kühn.

Define About Books F

Author:Daniel Kehlmann
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 384 pages
Published:August 30th 2013 by Rowohlt Verlag Gmbh (first published 2013)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. German Literature. Contemporary. Cultural. Germany

Rating About Books F
Ratings: 3.66 From 2296 Users | 234 Reviews

Discuss About Books F
Abgebrochen nach 193 Seiten.Ein Buch von einem Autoren abzubrechen desen Geschichten man bisher immer mochte ist keine leichte Entscheidung. Dieser Autor hat einem bereits gute Zeiten geschenkt und vielleicht kommt ja dieses Mal sogar noch ein Wendepunkt der die Genialität der bisherigen Werke überschreitet. Vielleicht aber auch nicht und deswegen habe ich mich entschieden mich nicht weiter durch F zu quälen.Dabei fängt F mit einer starken Szene an die mich als Leser sofort fesseln konnte und

F is forFantasticFlawedFracturedFabricatedFatherlessFamousFascinatingFamilyFatalFaithlessFalseFFFFFFFFFFFFFreaking great book. It faltered on the ending a little but all is forgiven.

This is an Advanced Readers Copy from Netgalley, Thank you!Other than Franz Kafka, I don't really know much about German literature. I don't hear about too many modern or contemporary German writers, but this guy is definitely one I will be reading more of. It has everything I love all in one tome. It's not lengthy, but I read it on Kindle, so it felt pretty long, that's just how reading on the kindle is like for me. Whoever said reading on Kindle is faster was lying.The novel, F, already has

Defining "F" is like trying to hold out a concept as general as "fate" and explain what it means. It's nearly impossible to do so (much like the plot and purpose of this novel), yet that doesn't mean it won't be thought-provoking, even magical in part. If nothing else, this book succeeds on its sheer imagination alone.Generally, the book is about three brothers and their father, and an event that changed all of their destinies. However, to say that this outlines the plot is to say that seeing a

Stories within stories within stories. You never know where one ends and another begins! In truth, they all flow into one another. It's only in books that they're clearly divided. I love how the stories of the brothers connected to each other and the little twists and turns that were scattered across this book. However, I was not able to enjoy this as much as I hoped. I feel like this book would have served its purpose best if it were written for entertainment only. Yet, it always seemed like it

An incredibly well-conceived, well-constructed, well-written book that I mostly enjoyed. The moral? Just because it's a great book doesn't mean you'll love it.

SynopsisThis is a mans book. Thats in the sense that the family of four Friedlands constitutes twins, Eric and Arthur, their step brother Martin, and predominantly absent father, Arthur. It is a male centric book, and one in which for different reasons, the four male characters all exhibit significant personal weaknesses. I was engrossed in all four characters, and unusually so, since I find that novels in which the narrative perspective switches, rarely sustain an equal level of interest in

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