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Original Title: The Book of Universes: Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos
ISBN: 1847920985 (ISBN13: 9781847920980)
Edition Language: English
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The Book of Universes: Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos Hardcover | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 228 Users | 24 Reviews

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Title:The Book of Universes: Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos
Author:John D. Barrow
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:March 7th 2011 by Bodley Head (first published January 1st 2011)
Categories:Science. Physics. Nonfiction. Astronomy

Ilustration During Books The Book of Universes: Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos

This is a book about universes, a story that revolves around a single unusual and unappreciated fact: that Einstein's famous theory of relativity describes universes -- entire universes. Not many solutions of Einstein's tantalizing universe equations have ever been found, but those that have are all very remarkable. Some of them describe universes that expand in size, while others contract, some rotate like a top and others are chaotic. Some are perfectly smooth, while others are lumpy, or shaken in different directions by tides of energy; some oscillate forever, some become lifeless and cold, while others head towards a runaway future of ever-increasing expansion. Some permit time travel into the past, and others allow infinitely many things to happen in a finite amount of time. Only a few allow life to evolve within them; the rest remain unknowable to conscious minds. Some end with a bang, some with a whimper. Some don't end at all.

Our story will encounter universes where the laws of physics can change from time to time and from one region to another, universes that have extra hidden dimensions of space and time, universes that are eternal, universes that live inside black holes, universes that end without warning, colliding universes, inflationary universes, and universes that come into being from something else -- or from nothing at all.

Gradually, we will find ourselves introducing the latest and the best descriptions of the Universe we see around us today, together with the concept of the 'Multiverse' -- the universe of all possible universes -- that modern theories of physics lead us to contemplate. These are the most fantastic and far-reaching speculations in the whole of science.

Other cosmology and astronomy books focus on particular topics -- dark matter, dark energy, the beginning of the universe, inflation, life-supporting coincidences, or the end of the universe -- but this book introduces the reader to whole universes in a coherent and unified way.

Rating About Books The Book of Universes: Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos
Ratings: 3.88 From 228 Users | 24 Reviews

Column About Books The Book of Universes: Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos
Difficile trovare un libro che risulti più completo e allo stesso tempo comprensibile senza bisogno di particolari conoscenze quanto questo. Dalla scoperta della relatività generale ad inizio '900 fino agli inizi del 2000, il libro prende in esame tutti i modelli di universo proposti per spiegare quello in cui ci troviamo, seguendo il percorso storico che li ha visti formulare e spiegando di ognuno le implicazioni e le predizioni.

When I learned about the theories about the origins of the universe as a middle schooler, I just assumed that one day someone looked at Newton's (and/or Einstein's) equations and said "Eureka!" and they just figured it all out, Big Bang, expanding universe, etc. In contrast, Barrow, takes us through the mostly congenial process of the painstaking incremental discoveries after Einstein proposed General Relativity. Most interesting is Einstein's own reaction and disbelief that the universe was not

If you pick up this book on cosmology, you've probably read a few cosmology books before. I've read a lot of them and this was a pleasant surprise. Barrow covers a lot of ground, cataloging the many models and mysteries of the universe. Along the way we discover many of the personalities in cosmology, their pet theories, and their arguments. Books on cosmology usually fall into one of three camps; texts on observational astronomy which mostly describe the universe, explorations of the pet

Universes happen? The anthropic principle. Cosmological constant. Dark matter & dark energy. The Universe, multiverse, universe hierarchy. It's quite an adventure.

An amazing book if you are interested in knowing more about cosmology and plausible universes. The best book I have ever read in this category.SPOILER - here are some notes that I took1) the sky is dark at night because of the great age of the universe2) the scientific method depends on observation. but what if we cannot observe (like parallel universes)?3) Baby universe; create universe conducive to lifeMaybe our universe was also created by someone else!

The book traces the theories related to possible universes through history. As a non-scientist, I found it did a nice job of making the math and science approachable.It starts out as a compelling read but gets bogged down in the latter half.

The author considers how we have thought about our universe from Copernicus to various solutions to Einstein's equations up to different incarnations of the multiverse. There are many solutions to Einsteins equations. Each solution provides a different kind of universe with possibly different characteristics. Most of the solutions are also possible just by solving Netwon's equation (I had not realized that). Some of the solutions give interesting phenomena. Godol's solution involving a

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