Books Scars Online Free Download

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Original Title: Cicatrices
ISBN: 1934824224 (ISBN13: 9781934824221)
Edition Language: English URL
Literary Awards: BTBA Best Translated Book Award Nominee for Fiction shortlist (2012)
Books Scars  Online Free Download
Scars Paperback | Pages: 274 pages
Rating: 3.86 | 464 Users | 49 Reviews

Define Regarding Books Scars

Author:Juan José Saer
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 274 pages
Published:December 13th 2011 by Open Letter (first published 1969)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. Spanish Literature. Literature

Narrative To Books Scars

Juan JosĂ© Saer’s Scars explores a crime committed by a laborer who shot his wife in the face; or, rather, it explores the circumstances of four characters who have some connection to the crime. Each of the stories in Scars explores a fragment in time when the lives of these characters are altered, more or less, by a singular event.

Rating Regarding Books Scars
Ratings: 3.86 From 464 Users | 49 Reviews

Judgment Regarding Books Scars
Juan José Saer è uno dei maggiori scrittori argentini, un innovatore estremamente critico verso il realismo magico e fautore di un maggiore realismo in letteratura; questo, almeno, è quello che leggo sui vari siti internet scritti anche da esperti di critica letteraria: nessuno solleva dei dubbi, scrive qualcosa di negativo su Cicatrici. Ne prendo atto e mi dispiace perché io, allora, devo aver perso qualcosa: il libro non mi è piaciuto e mi ha annoiato moltissimo; condivido tutto quello che è

Juan José Saers Scars opens and closes with the murder of a woman referred to only as La Gringa on May Day of an unknown year. We know that her death was intentionally caused by her husband, but what we dont know is why. Told by the way of four uniquely different stories featuring characters that overlap from one tale to the next, the novel doesnt attempt to wrap things up in a nice neat bow for the reader. Oh no, that would be far too easy. Scars, much like life, is a beautifully messy affair.

"Scars" could have been much more interesting for me if the driving and walking sequences had not gone on endlessly and read so much like line-by-line MapQuest directions for getting from point A to point B. Similarly, the baccarat playing strategy went on far to long. Other than these very annoying distractions, the plot construction of four views of the same event and the circumstances leading up to it was cleverly thought out and presented. Final note: It would seem that drinking gin and

The whole idea is very well presented, the episodes are brought in like parts of a movie, they can be read separately and still makse sense. But it was disgustingly perverted at times.____________________________When I read this in 2014, I thought it was inappropiate in some parts, but that it had a cinematic like structure where each part could be read on its own. Now, I still think the same but I find it even more gross. Seriously, it seems as if most of left leaning authors must include some

Quattro storie, quattro protagonisti, quattro voci narranti: un giornalista, un avvocato, un giudice e un omicida. Vicende che si sfiorano, entrano in collisione a volte, per poi continuare sulla linea tracciata da ogni singola esistenza, nella propria personalissima ossessione.Ottima scoperta, almeno per me, Saer riesce a creare atmosfere spesse, avvolgenti, conscio e abile nel muovere i suoi personaggi e ad incastrare le parole una dietro laltra. Una spirale, come dice benissimo la quarta di

Este es el primer libro que leo de Saer, mi primer encuentro con su escritura minuciosa. Esta novela estĂ¡ dividida en cuatro partes que funcionan mĂ¡s o menos de la misma manera, un personaje narra una parte de su vida, que corresponde a los meses de cada capĂ­tulo. Cada capitulo y personaje tiene sus particularidades, tambiĂ©n cada relato se vincula con los otros, no de una manera espectacular, alejĂ¡ndose de lo artificioso. Desde el primer capĂ­tulo pone mucho cuidado al detalle: Las primeras no sĂ©



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