Books Free Scary, Man Download

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Original Title: Scary, Man
ISBN: 1484819268 (ISBN13: 9781484819265)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) for Best West/Regional Fiction (2014)
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Scary, Man Paperback | Pages: 442 pages
Rating: 4.44 | 9 Users | 4 Reviews

List Appertaining To Books Scary, Man

Title:Scary, Man
Author:Jeffrey Hickey
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 442 pages
Published:September 2013 by Bignboo Productions
Categories:Free Books. Download Books

Relation To Books Scary, Man

'My name is Griffin Donnelly and my blood is O negative. I am a universal donor.'

For those readers fortunate enough to have read Jeffrey Hickey's previous two novels, MOREHEAD and THE COACH'S SON, the success of this his most recent foray into the hows and whys we as human beings relate to each other and to the world around us - this book so very aptly titled SCARY, MAN - will be no surprise. Although even with the fine after taste of Hickey's talent remembered from those first books will likely not prepare for the acknowledgement that here is a major American novel. It is simply that. Hickey more than most any other current writer - in the realm of Augusten Burroughs, Jonathan Safran Foer, David Sedaris - has mastered comedic writing, but the startling discovery is that Hickey is equally impressive and effective writing about contemporary mores, the manner in which the world has changed with the invention of social media, the changing perception of same sex people and altered rules and regulations that remain ahead of small minded people who simply haven't a clue what being unique is all about, and on and on. But to the story.

Griffin Donnelly (pause long enough to absorb the history behind the first name of mythological `griffins'...) is a storyteller in Marin County, California who lives with his comfortable wife Samantha and their only daughter Clare (Griffin had a vasectomy after Clare's birth). Griffin's income from his traveling very popular storytelling gigs around schools and clubs is inadequate to support their lifestyle so Samantha does day care. During an El Niño storm Griffin is stuck in Fort Bragg schools where a key incident (Griffin is relieving himself in the school restroom and a young boy walks in and stares at Griffin's voiding - nothing more) lets us know that all is not going to be a smooth ride in the pages to follow. Other incidents happen due to the impossible storm and are also fodder for a rumor mill that will last through the book. Rumor mongers infiltrate the Donnelley's' lives and Griffin's passion for making children happy and entertained is altered by an imposed week of being a cabin parent in a school camp, assigned to a group of difficult boys and complicated by what Griffin thinks might be a flirtation by a very popular and beautiful black teacher - until he discovers that he Is being used as a cover for that teacher's lesbian lifestyle. Camp abruptly ends when Samantha retrieves him because Griffin's parents are killed in an auto accident caused by Griffin's drunken father. Using an inheritance from his very distant parents our little family moves to Inverness, California -a small town with small people - and Griffin is left home to write while Samantha goes off to college to pursue her dream of teaching. Griffin's low self-esteem gradually becomes alcoholism and obesity and life must change in order to retrieve his exited wife and daughter. Griffin begins donating blood to help elevate his sense of worth, finds the process giving his O Negative blood satisfying and fascinating enough that he decides to write a book about it, called MY BLOOD. Life settles in a bit until Griffin learns that Samantha is bisexual and has been having away from home temptations with women, and in addition to this news they both discover on Clare's fifteenth birthday party that Clare is also a lesbian. How all of this turns out keeps the book potent until the final page - including a `scary, man' bout of atrial fibrillation for Griffin, a hope that his book MY BLOOD will be published only to be dampened by the powers that be refusing to allow him to interview people who have been recipients, and a ballast of ill will from small minds in town buoyed by making new friends with Clare's girlfriend's lesbian mother and her absentee Castro District gay father, etc, etc, etc.

This is a very long book (some chapters are long enough to be novellas) but there is not a page that could be edited out, so rich is the content and the manner of writing. While this review's summary may seem to give the whole story away all it truly does is touch lightly on a few of the highlights the Jeffery Hickey has sculpted into a masterful work. In a word it is brilliant - as prose, as social commentary, and as a purge for those buried feelings most of us have about issues we cannot control - or perhaps we just may be able to...Scary, Man!

Grady Harp

Rating Appertaining To Books Scary, Man
Ratings: 4.44 From 9 Users | 4 Reviews

Evaluation Appertaining To Books Scary, Man

REVIEWThis is a story that I feel many can relate to. What it's like to live where everybody knows your business. And there isn't anything like spreading the word. Of course, we always have to add a little on to it. Then each time it's told it gets bigger and bigger and it doesn't end up how it originally started. Most of us have probably been on one or the other side of the stick. Not pleasant either way. Griffin Donnelley has taken so much that he is finally fed up. Enough is enough. He

My name is Griffin Donnelly and my blood is O negative. I am a universal donor.'For those readers fortunate enough to have read Jeffrey Hickey's previous two novels, MOREHEAD and THE COACH'S SON, the success of this his most recent foray into the hows and whys we as human beings relate to each other and to the world around us - this book so very aptly titled SCARY, MAN - will be no surprise. Although even with the fine after taste of Hickey's talent remembered from those first books will likely

I can honestly say that this is one of the most relate-able books that I have read in a long time. Set in small towns in Northern California, scary, man explores the pitfalls of living where everyone knows your business, and they are all too happy to pass it along to others. If you have not been the direct target of rumors or bullying, you may at least know someone who has. Or have you been the perpetrator of such rumors? If so, watch out, Griffin Donnelley has had enough. It may have taken him

I was lucky to receive a advance copy from the Author, but will not let it influence my Review. I think the question that begs to be answered in this entertaining, funny and relevant page turner is who is the "Scary Man?" Maybe it's the guy that reads spooky books to the neighborhood kids or the guy who hands out candy to the little children on the playground, it might be the man that left his young toddler alone at a public event. The story does reveal the way we treat one and other and the

'My name is Griffin Donnelly and my blood is O negative. I am a universal donor.'For those readers fortunate enough to have read Jeffrey Hickey's previous two novels, MOREHEAD and THE COACH'S SON, the success of this his most recent foray into the hows and whys we as human beings relate to each other and to the world around us - this book so very aptly titled SCARY, MAN - will be no surprise. Although even with the fine after taste of Hickey's talent remembered from those first books will likely

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