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Original Title: Sevdalinka
ISBN: 9751406781 (ISBN13: 9789751406781)
Edition Language: Turkish
Books Download Sevdalinka  Free
Sevdalinka Paperback | Pages: 307 pages
Rating: 3.84 | 3619 Users | 209 Reviews

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Postane binasının yanı sıra, Milli Tiyatro, Hukuk Fakültesi ve civarındaki binalar da yanıyor, yeni patlamalarla bu ateş dansına eşlik ediyorlardı. Rüzgarda uçuşan kızıl saçlar gibi savrulan alevleriyle har har yanıyorlardı. Yandıkça, kırmızı bir fona çizilmiş, simsiyah iskeletlere dönüşüyorlardı. Nimeta, taş kesilmiş, geçmişini seyrediyordu alazların ötesinde. Çocukluğu, gençliği, anıları, sevinçleri, kederleri incelenip uzayarak, bükülerek alevlerin arasında göğe yükseliyor, Saraybosna külleriyle birlikte sağa sola savruluyordu. Bosnalı bir gazeteci olan Nimeta, dünya tarihinin en acımasız soykırımlarından birinin yaşadığı Bosna savaşının ortasında kendisi ve ailesi için yaşam mücadelesi verirken, içinde kıyasıya süren bambaşka bir savaşla da başetmek zorundaydı...

Identify Regarding Books Sevdalinka

Author:Ayşe Kulin
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 307 pages
Published:2000 by Remzi Kitabevi (first published 1999)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Asian Literature. Turkish Literature. War

Rating Regarding Books Sevdalinka
Ratings: 3.84 From 3619 Users | 209 Reviews

Column Regarding Books Sevdalinka
Nimeta is a Muslim Bosniak journalist whose life is thrown into turmoil when the Balkan crisis of the 1990s erupts. Mirroring the turmoil in the area is the turmoil in her own heart when she meets and falls in love with a fellow Croatian journalist and is torn between him and her husband and family. Suddenly everything is at risk, in particular the very survival of those dear to her.The personal story is a relatively compelling love story between two people from different worlds, but it is the

War, Love and Family...At the end of the 20th century, in the middle of Europe, genocide happened again. Love of human beings, perseverance was witnessed. Beautifully written.

In the introduction to this book, the author tells us that during the siege of Sarajevo, during the war in Bosnia, that ten thousand six hundred Bosniaks of whom 1,600 were children lost their lives. Yes, I knew about these horrible events, but Im embarrassed to say that I didnt know more about the specifics. I did a little research on my own and also discovered that during the Bosnian War, Of a population of around four million in 1992, two million were made refugees. In the three and a half

Historical fiction providing explicit and personal detail of the Balkans crisis and the fragmentation of theYugoslavia. Difficult to follow at times due to my poor knowledge of the shocking nature of the Serb-Bosnian war and the siege of Sarajevo. A woman's story set amongst the horror of what human beings can do to one an other.

I kept putting off writing this review. Not because I did not like the book, far from it. It was primarily because the experience of reading this story, talking about it, is intensely emotional for me. I lived this war. Entire generations of citizens of ex-Yugoslavia have had their life path shaped by this war...I am no exception. And though I count myself "lucky" because I haven't lost as much as many...I "got to keep" the most important thing - my immediate the same time the war

This is a novel in two quite distinct parts. The first tries to set out a fairly detailed and often quite dry history of the implosion of Yugoslavia in the years following the death of Tito. The progression of events is often difficult to follow and the impact of the callous inhumanity of the notably Serbian politicians is diminished, as wrapped up within this recounting of history is a Danielle Steele style romance between two TV journalists, Nimeta a married Bosnian woman, the central

while i enjoyed the book and it kept my attention, there were several things that I feel would improve my reading experience. i really needed some maps and guides detailing this complex region of the world. it was hard to follow the different land areas, religions, and political players. And I am incredibly disappointed that there was no epilogue giving me some closure on the fate of the main characters. The story just ended leaving me hanging.

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